Step 1: Try to have treats in your pocket/on you at all times (and a clicker if you are using one) so that you’ll be ready to mark and reward kissing behavior any time it occurs.
Step 2: When your dog licks you, praise/click and treat. Because you are rewarding the behavior, your dog will be likely to start offering it more frequently.
Step 3: After several sessions of rewarding the kiss behavior, you can start to add in a verbal cue of your choice such as “kiss” or “smooch” as your dog is licking you, then praise and treat.
Step 4: Your dog will quickly make the association between the verbal cue and the act of licking you. Next time your dog is near you, give your verbal cue for the kissing behavior, then praise and treat when they do it.
Step 5: Once your dog has experience with this trick, you can begin to experiment with offering different parts of your body, like your hand or your face, for your dog to kiss.
Teaching the kiss command can help curb unwanted licking by putting it on command only.